My absurd adventure with Crypto bots:

How it all started….

In February of 2021 my adult son casually educated me in the current state of the “Crypto Sphere.” I had previously heard of Bitcoin but had no idea Bitcoin was just the start. He showed me about the Alt-coins and how centralized exchanges work. The next day I bought a new laptop with a decent graphics card. He set it up for mining Ethereum. I ran this miner for about eight months until I sold the laptop. Between the Eth I mined and the price I got for the laptop upon selling it, I came out about $100 ahead. During these months I was using the Coinbase exchange to do manual trading of many Alt-coins, buying low and selling high (very time consuming).

In July, of 2021 I saw a YouTube video about 3Commas DCA (Dollar-Cost Averaging) bots. I started running these DCA bots and had moderate success, taking my initial investment from $1,700 up to $3,000 over two months.

Then in late August of 2021, I discovered Grid-bots. Closed all my DCA bots and transferred my then $3,000 in capital to running Grid bots. For my first Grid bot I invested $58 into a DOGE Grid bot (I know – who runs DOGE in a Grid Bot!) I ran this Grid bot for about 30 days until the profit ticker hit $100 in profit. I was hooked.

What hooked me on Grid bots at first was the speed the bots could buy and sell; hundreds of times faster than I could.

Over the next four months I used Grid bots to run up my initial $1,700 to over $24,000. At the height I was running 23 Grid bots on 23 different coins. The daily profits grew and were reinvested into the bots. I withdrew small amounts each week until I reclaimed my initial $1,700 investment – now I was letting everything ride with “house” money. My daily Grid bot profits slowly increased over the next few months. My first $500 profit day was Thanksgiving Day, 2021; the next day was my best day at $815 (Black Friday).

That day I also reached a 30-day trading volume of $1,044,557.

The next day the wheels fell off – the Crypto Bear market started.

Being an inexperienced trader and not wanting to believe the gravy train was over; during the next three months I rode the market all the way to the bottom. Finally selling all my crypto for about $700. But boy did I have fun. I let my 3Commas subscription expire and walked away from Crypto bots for two years – until February 2024. And now I am back with a vengeance.

Over the coming year I will highlight the many victories and failures I had during my initial four-month experience with Grid bots between August – November 2021. I saved all the receipts. I also look forward to posting my many new victories and failures.

I will also be posting about ongoing Grid bot projects and how I use Microsoft Fabric and Power-BI to analyze and visualize my Grid bot performance.

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